Monday, November 1, 2010


So, I have a Twitter account now. While I'm still pretty new to this, I think it's pretty cool. I found a bunch of library twitter accounts, like the New York Public Library and Publisher's Weekly, as well as some of my classmates. My timeline shows mostly links to articles and other content put out by libraries and museums, or other relevant materials. I also get alerts about programs and events. So none of it is very annoying. Publisher's Weekly does update quite often which I find a little irritating and will have to keep in mind if I am in charge of a public Twitter account.
It was pretty easy for me to get set up, because a few of my friends are on Twitter already and I had heard some of the lingo. I had also been warned to follow only accounts I'm really interested in because your timeline can get really out of hand really fast. So for me, I find Twitter a useful way to keep myself informed. I can get updates about events all in one place. I think that offering a Twitter allows patrons who are using this service a pretty easy way to find out what's going on at the library. If they're on Twitter, they'll see your update, they don't have to go out of their way to see if anything is going on.
It isn't that difficult, from what I've seen, to keep a Twitter account updated if you have content. People don't want to hear too much, so quick, informative tweets every few days are probably best. It is, in my opinion, another way to keep in communication with patrons, which is always a good thing. In this particular case, it is allows fairly painless for the library. Might as well, right?

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